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Implementation of technical installations in the new Rhizo building in Kortrijk, part of Hogeschool Vives.
The campus offers programs in nursing and healthcare among others. The works are carried out on behalf of ION / Furnibo.
The new school will provide a spacious and warm practice-oriented learning and living environment that aligns with the vision of offering contemporary education: flexible classroom layouts, simulated hospital rooms, and various relaxation areas.
The top floor is quite atypical with four large classrooms, each containing six hospital bed boxes. Each classroom can be used separately or combined to form one large teaching landscape. Due to the glazing, the hospital beds will be visible from afar on the campus.
The building has an L-shape and embraces a courtyard between the existing and new buildings. In this courtyard, a covered walkway serves as a link between both structures. A protruding structure along the south facade will serve as both sun protection and a fire escape. Providing ample terraces, this structure will also serve as outdoor space, eventually becoming a beautiful green facade. The central spine of the building is a continuous student living area spanning the three floors around which all classrooms and corridors are organized.
A design & build project in close collaboration with Rhizo.
Multi-technical aspects:
- Concept Engineering
- Execution of medium-voltage cabin 250 kVa
- Electricity: low voltage (panels, lighting, sockets), fire detection, access control, intercom, fully automatic control of sun protection, indoor ASTRID coverage installation, network (fiber backbone & horizontal copper cabling), UPS for safety circuit of pressure boosting pump
- Electrical panel HVAC, wiring for heating system, ventilation, zone controls, and fire dampers
- Building Management System: Priva
- Plumbing, fire pipe, heating system, and underfloor heating
- Installation of 2 large air handling units in the technical room. Air is distributed across different floors via 3 large shafts. Each room is equipped with VAV (Variable Air Volume) valves that adjust airflow based on occupancy and temperature.