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EEG Group is committed to meeting climate goals and actively contributing to reducing CO2 emissions within the construction industry. This sector accounts for nearly 40% of all CO2 emissions worldwide, partly due to the use of energy-intensive materials, such as cement and steel, and the heavy equipment and transportation required for construction activities. This presents a significant challenge, but also an opportunity to make an impact.
CO2, the main greenhouse gas, is one of the biggest drivers of climate change. Therefore, reducing CO2 emissions is central to European initiatives such as the Green Deal and the COP26 objectives. Europe has committed to achieving a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. EEG Group feels a responsibility to contribute to this ambition.
Our sustainability strategy encompasses several dimensions. In addition to our innovative solutions and processes, we focus on daily improvements in energy efficiency, circular construction, extending the life of materials, and increasing comfort in our projects. Measuring and controlling our carbon footprint is an essential part of this.
In 2024, EEG Group took a step forward by actively utilizing the CO2 Performance Ladder, a methodology developed to support companies in their CO2 reduction policies. With support from Sustacon, we mapped our energy consumption within all parts of our group, including those of our offices, production facilities, work sites, vehicles, and equipment. This has given us a clear understanding of our largest sources of emissions.
Based on this analysis, we created an ambitious reduction plan to reduce our CO2 emissions by at least 25% by 2030. This includes targeted investments in renewable energy, electrification of our vehicle fleet, and optimizing our processes. Our employees and supply chain partners are involved in evaluating our reduction plan every six months to monitor our progress.
The CO2 Performance Ladder, an initiative of the Dutch Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO), is a practical tool that encourages companies to be more aware of and sustainable with energy and materials. It helps organizations not only reduce their own emissions, but also collaborate with suppliers and customers on climate-friendly solutions. The ladder includes five levels. The first three steps focus on emissions within the own organization (Scope 1 and 2), while the higher levels focus on collaboration and chain-wide CO2 policies (Scope 3).
The CO2 Performance Ladder is gaining popularity among both private companies and governments in Belgium. Although its use is not yet mandatory, pilot projects are being carried out, especially on major infrastructure works. The Public Buildings Administration will use the CO2 Performance Ladder as an advantage in awarding contracts starting in 2025. This makes it a valuable and useful tool for EEG Group to strengthen our sustainability ambitions.
EEG Group aims to achieve step 3 on the CO2 Performance Ladder by early 2025. This certificate demonstrates that we accurately monitor and proactively reduce our emissions. From this point forward, we work to continuously improve our policies, with a strong focus on awareness and engagement of our employees, partners, and other stakeholders.
At EEG Group, we strive to make everyone in our organization aware of the importance of energy consumption and its impact on our carbon emissions. Reducing our emissions primarily means reducing the energy we use to heat our buildings, run our machinery, and move around. We track this accurately by measuring our electricity consumption and fossil fuel use. Clear reduction targets have been established for our offices, production facilities, and work sites. We want to achieve these goals by making our employees aware of their energy behavior and by optimizing our sites and processes.
In addition, we are strongly committed to making the energy we need more sustainable. This means switching from fossil fuels to sustainably generated electricity. We have defined specific projects for this purpose, such as electrifying our vehicle fleet and equipment on our construction sites. At the same time, we are investing in solar panels and batteries and resolutely choosing to buy green power instead of gray.
Our efforts have been compiled into an Energy Management Action Plan (EMAP). This plan serves as our guide through 2027 and is reviewed, updated, and approved annually by our board. This ensures that we remain flexible and purposeful in our approach to reducing our carbon emissions and making our organization more sustainable.